A question we are regularly asked at The Cue Shop is “how do I change my pool cue stick tips?” This seems like a daunting process for many of our customers, but in reality with the right tools and a little practice it’s a job that can be easily completed at home. Other than the Stanley knife and the paper towels, you can find all the tools you need right here at The Cue Shop.
You will need:
- New cue glue-on tips
- Stanley knife/razor blade
- Fine grit sandpaper or a cue tip shaper tool
- Cue tip cement or fast-acting Cue Goo
- Tip clamp
- Rasp/File or cue tip shaper tool
- Disposable cloth or paper towels
Now that you have all the gear, it’s time to start changing your tip. Follow our step by step guide below and refer to the diagram at the bottom if you are unsure. Remember to take extra care not to damage the ferrule or the shaft during this process. Good Luck!
Step 1
Remove the old tip. You can use a Stanley knife or razor blade to cut the tip off, or snap it off as shown in the diagram below. Be very careful not to damage the ferrule while doing this.
Step 2
Prepare the end of the Ferrule. Use your knife, sandpaper or nail file to remove any remaining tip or glue that is on the ferrule. You want a clean surface on which to attach the new leather tip. Be careful not to scratch the ferrule - this can create air pockets under the tip and can cause your tip to fall off during play. Lightly sand the top of the ferrule. It is important to have a clean smooth surface. Use a damp paper towel to wipe away any dust.
Step 3
Prepare your tip. Firstly, make sure you have selected the correct size tip. It is better to go for too large of a tip than too small as you can remove any excess later. We recommend selecting a tip which is .5mm to 1mm larger than your current tip. Rub the back of the tip on the fine grit sandpaper and score the tip with the razor blade.
Step 4
Add the glue. Open your cue tip cement or Cue Goo and carefully apply a small amount of glue to both the bottom of the tip and the ferrule.
Step 5
Carefully place the tip on the ferrule being cautious of oozing glue. Wipe any excess glue away with the dampened paper towels if the glue gets on the side of the pool cue shaft. It is important to do this right away. Place the cue clamp securely over the shaft securing the tip down. Leave the glue to dry according to the glue instructions.
Step 6
Check the tip before removing the clamp. It should be firmly attached to the ferrule. Remove the clamp and gently rock the tip between your fingers. If there is movement go back to step 1 and use more glue on the retry.
Step 7
Cut any excess tip if required. Now that the glue has dried, you can remove any excess tip. Place the cue tip on a flat surface and carefully slide your blade along the length of the ferrule, cutting off any excess tip. Take care not to scratch or chip the ferrule during this process.
Step 8
Shape the tip with your rasp/file, or better yet your pool cue tip shaper/scuffer/taper tool! The tip can be shaped flat or with rounded edges, depending on your personal preference and playing style.
Step 9
Use the fine grit sandpaper or your tip shaper/scuffer/taper tool to smooth out the joint area and remove any excess glue.
Congratulations on changing your first tip!
You can use the comments section below to ask any additional questions – or just to let us know how you got on!